19th Annual African American Genealogy Seminar

The Greater Sacramento African American Genealogy Society will present its 19th Annual African American Family History Seminar on Saturday, March 8, 2025 from 8:30am to 1:30pm. The keynote speaker is Renate Yarborough Sanders, a widely recognized genealogist, speaker and educator who descends from formerly enslaved, enslavers and free people of color. Renate lectures on a variety of genealogy topics but specializes in teaching beginning to intermediate research methodology and sharing specific techniques and resources for researching ancestors of color – both pre- and post-Emancipation. 

Class selections include, Choctaw and Chickasaw Freedmen, Widows of the Civil War, Tracing African American Ancestors Records Through Slave Holding Families, FamilySearch African American Research, The Great African American Migration and many more. 

Since 2005, the annual Family History Seminar has provided just the right blend of introductory instruction in genealogy, black history, and the current technology for advanced research. The seminar timing of being presented each March is a strategy capturing the residual fervor aroused each February when Black History Month is celebrated throughout the nation. With its track record of consistently high caliber program delivery, the African American Family History Seminar is a yearly coming together of genealogy devotees from the Greater Sacramento Region, the Bay Area, and the Central Valley.

For more information, download this flyer, and mark your calendar for March 8, 2025!

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